El Tió ens va regalar un parxís de viatge i vam aprofitar per recordar com es juga fent unes quantes partides entre nosaltres. Va ser molt divertir! Gràcies Tió!
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El Tió ens va regalar un parxís de viatge i vam aprofitar per recordar com es juga fent unes quantes partides entre nosaltres. Va ser molt divertir! Gràcies Tió!
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Lastly, we have been learning all the personal pronouns. In order to make it easier, we have been playing a board game similar to “La Oca”. In this occasion, when students fall into a square with a personal pronoun, they have to say the meaning of it in Catalan. Afterwards, they check if they are right or not. If they are, they remain in the same square. If they are not, they have to go back two squares. Learning is fun!